Welcome to the United Presbyterian Church in Ingram, PA
Bringing Christ to the People and the People to Christ
United Presbyterian Church in Ingram gives thanks to God for your interest in visiting us. At our Sunday worship service you will be welcomed and blessed because you are a child of God!
Where to park and enter . . .
As a visitor you are invited to use our parking lot located off Prospect Avenue.
From the parking lot, follow the sidewalk to the front church entrance which faces Prospect Avenue.
As you enter you will be greeted and offered a worship bulletin that will give guidance for our worship service.
Children are always welcome in worship - no matter what!
- But, if you would like, there is nursery care available on the main floor (next to the sanctuary). The nursery is for infants through first grade.
What can I expect during worship?
First and foremost you can expect to be encouraged in your spirit.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is with us, transforming our lives with God's love. Worship is our opportunity to respond to this, and thus many emotions are involved. But everything we do is meant as a reminder of God's unconditional love in Jesus Christ. We invite you to come do what you have been created to do - worship God!
You can expect to be welcomed as a child of God!
- The good news of God's love in Jesus Christ is that God will receive you as you are. And so will we! You may dress casually or more formally. Regardless of appearances, though, you are welcome at worship!
You can expect an ordered worship service in which the congregation is invited to participate.
- The worship bulletin guides our responses, and the music director leads our songs of praise. As our guest we invite you to participate and discover God's generous love as you worship him!
You can expect that we will celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of every month.
- The Lord's Supper - also known as Holy Communion - is a sacrament that deepens our faith in Jesus' presence in our lives. All who have faith in Jesus Christ as their savior are invited to participate.
You can expect that an offering will be collected.
- The ushers will pass an offering plate down each pew, but we believe the offering is about more than taking up money - it is a time of expressing our devotion to God. As our guest, though, we do not expect you to contribute financially unless you feel so led.
Here is what you can expect for our Sunday morning worship service at 11:00 a.m.